Tuesday, April 06, 2010


Acknowledgement and action alleviate anxiety. Do they? If and when you happen to be anxious, try it and see. No guarantee, at least not from me. “Alleviate” comes from the same root family of words as “levity,” “levitate,” “lever,” etc., from late Latin alleviat- ‘lightened,’ from the verb alleviare, from Latin allevare, from ad- ‘to’ + levare ‘raise,’ influenced by levis ‘light.’

And I live on Leverett, so have additional alignment to help allay, abate, and assuage anxiety, and its related states. Savor the flow.


Unknown said...

> cool...
> I think acknowledgement and action can help relieve anxiety. Other things that help: some form of emotional release, doing something for someone else, accepting the dance of the mind (the committee), affirmations, taking specific steps toward your goals...
> John

Unknown said...
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David Fournet said...

Yes, indeed. Well put. I wonder what other actions, attitudes, and even non-a words are also favorable to flourishing, fun, and fulfillment. I sure do enjoy using alliteration. Ah, there: "alliteration alleviates angst."

p.s. I removed one post that was a duplicate. Duplication demands deletion.