Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Awarness and action augment aliveness

I usually find value in exercising a measure of control over the various aspects of life, while aware that it’s a matter of degree. Being comfortable with human limitations is an art. Right now, I’m aware of exercising the skill of making wise choices between varied, valuable options. I often find that challenging, a kind of paradox of freedom.
Right now, I’m fixin’ to go for a bike ride, in this case with my wife Andrea. We’ve been eager to check out the newest extension of the Lake Fayetteville hard-surfaced trail, the part that extends the trail to the Botanical Garden, and, I think, beyond. The weather is right and we’re making the time to explore and exert.
This is also our day to do our duet with the essential$, our weekly bookkeeping routine. Additionally, we’re in the process of setting up a new business on More on that later. Later this afternoon, I meet with a group of fellows who meet for a potluck dinner and discussion a couple of times a month. I’m especially excited about tonight because we’re meeting at Terra Studios, Jamie Ulick’s bailiwick. It’ll be my first visit to that unique place:
May we all proceed with awareness and kindness.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


Acknowledgement and action alleviate anxiety. Do they? If and when you happen to be anxious, try it and see. No guarantee, at least not from me. “Alleviate” comes from the same root family of words as “levity,” “levitate,” “lever,” etc., from late Latin alleviat- ‘lightened,’ from the verb alleviare, from Latin allevare, from ad- ‘to’ + levare ‘raise,’ influenced by levis ‘light.’

And I live on Leverett, so have additional alignment to help allay, abate, and assuage anxiety, and its related states. Savor the flow.