Sunday, November 13, 2005

So, I tell Gary Weidner that I'm thinking about creating a blog. He tells me it's very simple. We head to my computer. We bring up >>more>>tools>>blogs. It looks simple. The page tells me that I can set it in 5 minutes. That was last night. Today I went back and set this up. Apart from this typing, it took well under five minutes, and would have even been faster had I not deliberated so long on choosing the template, the name, the URL, and such. I found those choices a bit uncomfortable, mostly out of concern that I'd do something that would look goofy, or dumb or something unfavorable like that. Pretty petty, but there it is. I've read that in various surveys public speaking ranks as the most feared thing amongst people in the U.S. I get nervous myself doing that, and right now, with not a soul in sight, and me typing rather than speaking, I'm still getting close to the edge of my comfort zone.

I'm planning to see if I might put things into the public conversation and inquiry that might actually encourage others, be useful to them, enlightening to some degree, etc.


Anonymous said...

Voila! You have suceeded, quite smartly! Anon relishes, and an image of what is to come in productive discourse appears. I join. Godspeed!

Anonymous said...