Sunday, November 20, 2005

I'm getting ready to get ready to go, in this case, to visit my folks and extended family in Lafayette, LA, for a few days. Have you ever noticed how an upcoming trip, or visitors coming, can be good motivators and prioritizers? If so, you'll understand why this entry is brief. I feel somewhat exposed at this point in my blogging "prowess," but I'm practicing these days the fine art of taking action, when appropriate, before I've got my act completely together.

I leave you with another thought from the collection:

"The good life is one guided by reason and inspired by love." --Bertrand Russell (this is my paraphrase; I don't know exactly what he said or wrote, but it was close to that. If you find out, please let me know. I think I've enabled this blog to allow for comments by any and all)


Anonymous said...

the time that you enjoy wasting is not wasted time

           Bertrand Russel

David Fournet said...

You wastrel. And yet, I quite agree. Along those same lions:

Better to have loafed and lost than to never have loafed at all.

--James Thurber